Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lumbermen / Pond / Gates

An occasional sad point of any garden is the old, broken or rotten tree which must come down. Such is the case with several here on the property, namely the walnut, the sweet cherry, and the 2 willows at the bottom of the lawn. All were riddled with woodpecker holes and leaning, acting as safety hazards over many of the publics' heads. The city and the museum had arborists, etc., look them over quite some time ago and make those hard decisions.
The trees were carefully taken down a couple of weeks ago and since then, replanting is complete for the willows and the walnut.
The cherry wood has been sent to a mill as well as carvers, to become goods "from the Haig-Brown property". Pictured here are the men in rec't of some of the cherry, ready to go to the mill.

Readying the terrace today for tomorrow's wedding ceremony, I was happily interrupted by a group seeking a quick tour of the house and study, to which I obliged. Knowing I'd return shortly, I propped the hand-held water sprinkler over the koi pond, the water running wide open from the hose. The koi (or carp, or goldfish, depending on your point of view) love the fresh water falling like a rain shower, especially on a hot day as this; racing around and swimming into any currents created by the flow, they seem to drink it in, so to speak. Luckily, my tour was short, as the pond was soooo close to overflowing when I returned that I believe the fish were actually looking over the edge! But they were happy!

The beautiful corners of the yard have captivated me today, and I offer the results of what I saw here. One shot includes the lower corner gate to the orchard, alongside the river. The image includes 5 or 6 pictures, stitched together to give the whole view, and includes the yellow wisteria.
A couple of other images are those charming corners including gates, paths and more flowering trees.

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