I'm putting up some images here that are leftovers from spring. That's when I'm fond of saying that folks can find me rolling around in the mud with camera in hand, to shoot the spring flowers (but that's on the hiking trails in these parts, as I look for the ever elusive 'pink fawn lily').
Not so muddy here, tho; these are shots of the Haig-Brown grounds. Looking through the gate to the glade, you can see a bit of the church through the

The trilliums were so profuse in a plot alongside the koi pond, it was hard to decide which ones to shoot; they mesmerized me as they beckoned.
Also included is a photo of the perfumed apple blossoms which rested on the west side of the house, almost covering the kitchen window. Delicate in scent and fragile in strength, it's hard to believe those tiny freckled blossoms produce big, strong apples!
There's a shot of the gate to the river as well, surrounded by snowdrops. Odd angle to get a good shot of, as there are steps from the lawn down to the gate, which sits just atop the high-water mark. Perhaps that's where Rod & Ann decided to call the house "Above Tide"... the house is just far enough up river from the mouth to be "above the tide".
I'll bring more photos from nice weather days, as it rained during my photo op today, so I opted to not photo, and sowed carrots instead. 3 kinds, too.
Plus planted 32 of the teeny-tiniest little Jalapeno pepper plants in the greenhouse. My thumb is not green (just dirty!) so let's all send them lotsa lovin' - they may need the help! The 2 pickling-cucumber plants are a little heftier and I think they like their southwestern corner, plus that they're next to the tomatoes.
Interesting to watch the house across the river today, as a faller knocked down some trees. It seems obvious the homeowner wanted more light; while the house faces due south, it's almost surrounded by evergreen and maple forest. The very careful faller dropped the trees up-hill, away from the river, tho kinda close to the

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