Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sharon, Kiki & Paul, Gigi and Chris

The very busy summer picked up as the season progressed, and our smiling guests joined us at the HBH.
Here are some of them...

The lovely Sharon, enjoying the weather and grounds, claimed to be refreshed from her stay! It was fun to do some photos in the glade with her. Do come again Sharon!

If you're gonna be a travel writer, you have got to have stamina! Believe me, when I saw Kiki and her photographer husband, Paul, on the go to cover the sights and scenes and delights of their Vancouver Island trip, I was exhausted! Wowee, they were on the go from way before sunup to way after sundown. Finally arriving late in the last evening, they managed to catch a few hours sleep before driving away at 5:00 am to their next destination.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dianna, Mary, Valerie, and the Pussy Willow Plate

I had the pleasure of the company of Valerie Haig-Brown, her sister Mary, and their good friend, Dianna, for tea on a warm and sunny afternoon.

Valerie and Mary had just returned from a week's hike in the mountains of Strathcona Park, an hour's drive from Campbell River.
While the park has a mountain named Haig-Brown, they were hiking elsewhere - this time.

The two sisters, both around 70+ years, are more fit than most people I know and they happily glow with health.
They proceeded to tell me tales of hiking, camping, and having guides who double as the "heavy lifters".

Good to have along, considering Mary broke her collar bone on a previous trip and had to hobble out of the trail after dark, only to overnight at the Strathcona Lodge until someone could deliver her to hospital in the light of day.
Regardless of the 'heavy lifters', I say Brava! girlfriends!
These are resilient women!

Dianna, bless her heart, came by a little later and we brought out the photo albums, plus a small memoir from a lady named Lorraine.
I wrote of Lorraine and her sister Vi in a previous post, about how they just re-discovered each other after over 60 years.
Lorraine was adopted away from her Campbell River birth family at the age of 4 months, when Vi was 4 years old (Mary Haig-Brown, about 10 years old at the time, had wished she could care for the baby).

The memoir was written by Cecil and Rupert Fitzgerald, two brothers growing up in 1915 Campbell River; Cecil was Lorraine's grandfather.
The connection comes full circle yet again: one of Dianna's good friends is Dierdre, another Fitzgerald of whom Lorraine was (of course) unaware. On this warm and sunny afternoon, over tea, they were all brought together in conversation and, a few days later, in person.

I spoke with Lorraine this morning and she breathlessly told me of meeting Dianna and Dierdre and their wonderful time sharing stories, family history, photos, and laughs.
Lorraine always has a smile in her voice, and today was no exception.
She is in touch with her sister Vi every single day, either by email or phone, and they see each other often; there are also plans to spend more time with Dierdre and Dianna.

On another note, there's the Pussy Willow Plate...
Ann Haig-Brown had a particular set of everyday china with Pussy Willows as the pattern. It's less fussy or frilly than most china patterns, something I find quite lovely and charming.

The set here at Haig-Brown House has very few pieces left, and resides on a shelf in the kitchen, apparently close to where Ann kept them in days past.

Here's Valerie with the story of the plate: "Our sister Celie has a cabin along with five others on a small lake in the woods north of Kamloops. When I was there on my way to the coast we visited one of her neighbours one morning. Celie went inside and came out waving the plate with delight. The neighbour man takes great pleasure in feeding the three or four local dogs meals morning and evening (somewhat to the annoyance of their owners). He gives each dog its food on a separate old plate. One of them was the pussy willow plate, so, of course, we rescued it. The man's wife is an "antiquer" and said she would keep an eye out for pussy willow in the future -- there may be more on the way!"

While here, Valerie recounted this tale and, just as dramatically, pulled the plate out of its wrapping upon the story's climax!
So this is the only dinner plate here of that design, and while it's not of the original set from HBH, it will reside close by.

*Note for all you collector types out there: Please don't think the Haig-Brown House or Museum at Campbell River are collecting the set; we are not.
This was a generous act on the part of Valerie (and the dog and its host!) with a humourous bent, and we are all greatly appreciative. I hope our readers understand that we're not hunting the set down; thank you very much for the interest.

Lastly, I'd like to comment on the charm, grace and ease of Valerie, Mary, and Dianna.
Full of high spirits and jocularity, yet relaxed and great listeners, my visit with them was so very enjoyable. And every story was worth hearing!

More Good Company...

The talented and handsome Todd and the beautiful and charming Rena called themselves 'Water Fanatics', drinking a whole lotta the stuff. Healthy, too, they are. On a bit of a getaway, they were here to relax and take some time out to walk the trails and breathe in a whole lotta fresh air, too. It was really nice to have the pleasure of your company, you 2 water babies; do return!

Michael just wanted to fish... take some time and fish... relax and fish...
His high-pressure job (sorry, if I tell you, you'll have to go into the witness protection programme!) not only offers him time off to travel back to his family in New Zealand, and California, and Ontario, but also encourages him to use up his "air-miles", so he dropped in to have a night or two and a spot of fishing. Proof is in the pudding, er, photo. Here's your "Atta Boy!" for the day, Michael!

My current fave model is the wonder woman, Daniela, from Germany. She was on a one-woman mission to experience Canada, and she was doing just that!
During a grizzly bear tour out of Campbell River, she was invited to a Potlatch, for a once in a lifetime experience - and she couldn't go.
No matter what we tried, the timing just did not allow her to change her plans without shelling out hundreds of dollars in booked tours and accommodations down the road. We made calls, pleaded, created 'just-in-case' alternate plans, and she even had a fellow Deutchlander (sp?) come to her aid to help get her to said Potlatch, but to no avail. Uris finally got her to the bus and she had to go on her way. Sad to see you go Danielle; I hope you can come back. Maybe we can find another Potlatch for you to attend.

Someone who did manage to get to the potlatch were the 2 lovely ladies, Karen and Cheryl (sorry I didn't get a photo!) who drove up from Victoria to attend the 2 day affair. The Sewid family raised a new totem pole in Campbell River to honour a family member (I'll find the details to post here very soon).

Haig-Brown Festival

The Haig-Brown Festival, which coincides with World Rivers Day, was held yesterday, September 27, 2009, on the Haig-Brown Heritage Property.

With vendors of food, musicians on the stage, river-rafting tours for swimming with the salmon, book-sellers and book collectors, plus games and attractions for children, there was something for just about everyone.

We had fly tying fellows, and fly tying women, and fly-casting lessons on the formal lawn; salmon were 'printed' on paper and salmon were on posters and cards and informative pamphlets; water flowed down the river and flowed through little demo troughs to show where all that water goes when you flush or wash, and how streamkeepers keep the streams.

Tours were conducted through the study and house, and others toured through the Kingfisher Creek, and the heritage property proper.

People ate cake, and fishburgers; cookies were for sale from the Ann Elmore Women's Transition Centre to the tune of the current wage differences between men ($1.00 per cookie) and women (.75 per cookie).

Children played, and ran, and ate, and tickled fish, and, alas, lost a balloon or 2.

There were readings from Rod's books, and quotes from him to and about Ann, and many words were said about / from /for / because of them. Consequently, tears were shed - joyfully, thoughtfully, sadly, gladly, in memory, and honourably.

There were contests to enter, and awards to be awarded. Many people were honoured for their efforts in Green stewardship, and given the recognition they so heroically deserve.

Thank you all for attending on this grandly gorgeous day, with fall leaves falling and sunny sunshining, and keeping the spirit of the Haig-Browns' aglow. We are all better off for them.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Company We Keep Here

Wolfgang & Rocky

When she first knocked on the door, I suspected a lilt in her conversation which was totally unfamiliar.

No wonder... it was English with an Irish / German tinged tone.
Darling Rocky, this Irish lady, speaks fluent German. Good thing, too.
Her husband, Wolfgang, is Austrian who speaks a little English.
I understood him and we conversed O.K., tho he thought his English language skills were a little shy.
Here's your "Attaboy!" Wolfgang, for doing so well with me.

Matthias & Jana

were traveling from Germany and exploring Vancouver Island.
Both are librarians, tho I've learned such job titles are more flexible than ever.

Each work in differing capacities, though both work electronically with research and library archives, and seem to rarely touch books, let alone 'check' them in or out of a library!
My, my, times are different.
Ann Haig-Brown was the librarian at Campbell River's Senior High School for many years and might not recognize her old position any more... perhaps these two find that funny...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grape (Bubblegum) Jelly

In the glassed-in porch is a grape vine which was planted around 1944 by Ann and Rod Haig-Brown.

The plant grows in the ground outside, then twists its way through a removed pane of glass, and crawls inside the upper reaches of said porch with a thick, woody arm.

Leaves and tendrils wind around the windows and ceiling, dripping with bunches of deep purple fruit.

This is a Concord variety, called "Campbell's Early".

My research reveals the naivete of North American farmers; because Campbell's Early gets its dark purple colour long before being ripe, it was often picked too soon so lost favour amongst grape growers.

Too bad.

When these ripened, they smelled sooooooo sweet and succulent. I kept wondering who was making Kool-Aid, or where the grape bubble-gum was, because the sweet scent wafted gently through the house, creating many sweet dreams.

And so, dreaming of the very best jelly, I harvested.

Now, you may recall a previous post of mine, re: my jam making skills, or lack thereof (sigh).

I was determined to do right this time, so carefully put together the ingredients, measuring and planning, and scheduling my time.

Apples have much of the required pectin for thickening, so I used Transparent Apples from the orchard here.

I also used some 'natural' pectin from the health food store. I was on my way!

Jars, lids and rings were counted, washed and sterilized, labels created, calculations made, ingredients meted out... I was ready.

Colours and aromas were abundant, and the boiling began.

After the appointed amount of time, I began the "sheet test", upon which the decision is made when the jelly is ready, or thick enough, or jelled sufficiently.

A metal soup spoon is dipped into the boiling fruit then held up to see how the running drops meld together, or whether they even do.
One is waiting for the last 2 drops to run together and hold as a single, large drop, and stay. That is, not drip off the spoon.

How very scientific!

Easy, right?

The appointed amount of time came and went, then came and went again.

Still my spoon was not holding the 'sheeting' action as described, and so I boiled it more!

*note: of course I was using new spoons each time, especially after licking the bubble-gum flavoured jell after each test. Running out of spoons, I began washing them after each test*

Finally, a bit frustrated, I made the decision to jar it up, whether it was thick or not.
This time the spoon was held over the sink instead of the steaming pot of fruit, and the sheet test proved positive!

I had been holding the spoon over the steam, not allowing it to cool a bit to thicken the drops!

Why don't these instructions specify?!

In the end, I made a second batch, which did not jell as well either.

I don't care if it's a bit runny; that makes it more 'spreadable'.

For sure, I will not be entering any jellies into any fall fairs any time soon, tho that's all right; they are tasty and naturally sweet, and still smell like bubble-gum / Kool-Aid. Yum!

Monday, September 21, 2009

...and I had them for dinner

If it's wild and exotic, we'll either eat it or invite it out for dinner.
Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michael and Aurelie

Late one night - around 10:30 p.m. - a young man knocked at the door. With his heavy French accent, he inquired about room availability and cost. I had no rooms, and he seemed to find the cost somewhat prohibitive anyhow.

With a little dancing in the way of 2 differing languages, I realized he was looking instead for a place to camp overnight. He and his girlfriend wanted a camp-ground, and, he stressed, "A showering place."

I informed him of the provincial camp-ground one kilometre up the road, but I was unsure if they had shower facilities.

"People come here, to Haig-Brown House, for breakfast sometimes, for $15.00", I said. "If you find no showers there, you can shower here if you buy breakfast." Michael was delighted, and went straightaway to tell Aurelie, his girlfriend. They sped off in the night.

When they didn't show next morning by the appointed time, I figured they found other arrangements.

They were just late.

Arriving an hour after my suggestion, I cooked them breakfast while we had interesting conversations, mostly with trying to interpret each others colloquialisms. We, or rather they, had many laughs as I tried to pronounce "Aurelie"; the 'r' is not rolled on the front of the tongue, but in the back of the throat: Oh / reh / leh.
Finally, I called her 'Oh'.

As it was my perfect niece's 17th birthday, and she had been an exchange student in Quebec last year, I asked Michael and Aurelie to sing her happy birthday in French. Our phone call woke up my niece, who giggled for the whole of the very long French conversation, and when the phone was finally relinquished to me, she laughed and stated she hadn't much idea of what was said because she was still so sleepy. No problem sweetie; we all enjoyed the moment.

Michael is traveling in Canada for a year, and Aurelie was here for only weeks. She'll be coming back, around 2010 Olympic time with her 1 year work visa.

Visit Mike's blog for more of his Canadian / North American tour, that is, if you read French.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ellie... oh, yeah, And Her Family!

Jesse's enthusiasm on the phone was apparent, and he called back to confirm everything.

"My wife Sarah and I, our 2 kids, and my parents-in-law, Lance and Susan", he said as he described their group.

The plan was to drive from Victoria and stay overnight, including a dinner out in Campbell River.

My concern had been having small children negotiating the tall, steep stairs in the house but with his relaxed attitude (and now the grandparents joining them) I was soothed.

I need never have worried; little Ellie (Elizabeth) was the most thoughtful, sweetest, well-mannered child who climbed the stairs carefully. Later, I watched warily as she took her grandfather's shoes up to him. Each step came up to her little knee, yet she hoisted herself up, all the while holding the sandals that together were as big as her head, calmly talking as she did so.

Her little brother, Isaac, slept most of the time. When he did awaken he smiled, and hardly made a peep! I would love to have heard more from him.

Arriving in the afternoon, the big boys immediately went fishing. Ellie joined her father and 'Papa' and hung out at the river's edge, again relaxed and thoughtfully making her way around the rocks.

Filleting fish and finding freezer bags was next on the agenda, plus lots of walking and fresh air for all.

I wish they could have stayed longer, just 'cause I fell in love with those darling children... oh, and I really enjoyed the adults, too. Seriously!

You must visit to see what some of those grownups do!

Children Laughing & the Wedding of Erin & Wayne

If you want to laugh, watch children at play.

Erin and Wayne held their rehearsal at Haig-Brown House the evening before the wedding. Included in the crowd were several small children who laughed non-stop as they ran on the lawn and kept me giggling the whole time.

Next day there were children everywhere, popping out of wagons, running barefoot up and down the lawn with beautiful red silk baskets, giving each other flower petals, eating flower petals, and giggling.

None of this interrupted the gorgeous ceremony. A lovely young attendant pulled the wagon holding a smiling toddler, and the bridesmaids in red satin were perfect. Erin was simply beautiful as she floated down the aisle to meet Wayne, both of them beaming with smiles.

Having babies, toddlers and children everywhere makes for a bubbly occasion. We should have this age group more often!

Congratulations Erin and Wayne! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your celebration and wish for you celebration for the rest of your lives together!