Wolfgang & Rocky

When she first knocked on the door, I suspected a lilt in her conversation which was totally unfamiliar.
No wonder... it was English with an Irish / German tinged tone.
Darling Rocky, this Irish lady, speaks fluent German. Good thing, too.
Her husband, Wolfgang, is Austrian who speaks a little English.
I understood him and we conversed O.K., tho he thought his English language skills were a little shy.
Here's your "Attaboy!" Wolfgang, for doing so well with me.
Matthias & Jana

were traveling from Germany and exploring Vancouver Island.
Both are librarians, tho I've learned such job titles are more flexible than ever.

Each work in differing capacities, though both work electronically with research and library archives, and seem to rarely touch books, let alone 'check' them in or out of a library!
My, my, times are different.
Ann Haig-Brown was the librarian at Campbell River's Senior High School for many years and might not recognize her old position any more... perhaps these two find that funny...

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