Mark and Misako called to let me know they'd be late (first clue).
When this darling couple arrived, they were escorted by another vehicle full of fly fishers (clue #2).
With little hesitation, we made our way into Roderick Haig-Brown's study, where the two of them looked around in dazed awe for awhile. Soon, their mouths closed and smiles formed (third clue) and they relaxed enough to engage in conversation, mostly about Rod and his life here.
Mystery solved; they're avid, nay, passionate-eat-sleep-breath-LIVE fly-fishers!
If you'd like to know something about fly-tying; no, make that anything, anything-at-all about fly tying, by all means, ask Misa or Mark.
Believe me, they will know!
Mark explained the reason for driving their truck all the way from Arkansas (their home) was the seventeen "events" they were visiting in North America, this stop being one of them.
As fly-tyers, they go to huge shows / gatherings / conventions where they sell their flies and / or put out information on their own classes back home, or compete, or simply fish.
As well, Misa is a world champion team leader, currently for the Japan fly-fishing team. They did mention a few fly-fishing club / organization boards which they have been directors of, but I didn't get them all (there were a lot!)
I've inserted a few photos from these two very lively people.
All of the badges were on the couple of shirts that Misa was wearing, denoting her position or where they had been in the world, visiting another fly-fishing meeting.
You can visit their blog to see just how much they love the sport.
Oh, and did I mention Misa's amazing art? She's a fine art watercolourist, and guess what she paints? If you guessed tied flies, you're right!
Check out her profile on their site for a glimpse into the karayziest space devoted to, well, a devotion! I love it! click on "Misako added 49 photos"

Hard to believe it's been 2 weeks already. Now in New York, they're about to film a TV production on fly-fishing in the Catskills for a Japanese network. Way too much fun!
Mark and Misako, I really hope you get out this way again; don't wait so long til next time! It was pure delight.