The very adorable Beth and George wanted their photo snapped while standing in the middle of the sweeping formal lawn.
It does kinda look like they're home, doesn't it?
I'm sending this to all of their friends to remind them of what their place really looks like....
...oh, well, we tried.
Curious and inquisitive, they really seemed to enjoy the study (as well as that lawn!) and Beth had tales to tell of her own heritage-style house in Ontario where she grew up.
The HBH reminded her of it in many ways and we talked long about these old farmhouses, their orchards and fields, creaky staircases and dark, dank basements, plus grandparents who lived there and put up with the grand-kids and their antics.
Beth and George, it was lovely to visit with you in the study. I hope you enjoyed it as well.
See you next time.
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