Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sarah, Sue, Thomas & Kali in Bella Coola

Sarah called from Port McNeil, on the north end of Vancouver Island. They had just disembarked from the ferry, having sailed from Bella Coola earlier that day. All four were tired, and looking for a restful stop for the night in Campbell River, knowing they'd be pulling in to town after 10 pm.

I had just enough room for them and when they showed up, all went to bed pretty quickly.
It was the next morning that we really got to meet and talk, over fresh blueberry pancakes and maple syrup.

Taking their leave from Bella Coola could not have been more timely; just hours after their departure, the town was given an evacuation alert due to forest fires. Sarah commented that while there, water from taps was sporadic and colourful.

Sue and her teenage son Thomas were here from Chester, England, to visit her cousin Sarah for a few weeks in Victoria, plus the Bella Coola trip. I asked Tom how traveling with "all these women" was for him.

He didn't seem to mind, and was a pretty happy fellow overall. Did you make it to Poland, Tom?

His cousin, Kali, also seemed a happy traveler with a nonstop smile on her face as well. Is this a family trait?
Whatever the traits, it was sweet to be able to accommodate all of you and a lovely pleasure to meet you all as well. Happy travels and come back again!

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